Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Okay, today is the 11th day of my school holiday already.
Well, time passes without looking back.
3 days more before school start :X
I have to say that I spent a lot of time on computer.
I didn't do any revision at all although I know trial exam is coming soon.
I wonder what am I doing this 2 weeks?!
I try to ask myself to study, but everytime also fail.
I'm disappointed to myself :(
Didn't use the time wisely.
I do feel guilty too.
But how can I memorise all the subjects in 1 week?
It is tough :(
I wish someone can hit me and tell me before I realise all these.


  1. i didnt touch books too :(
    so do revisions start from now on, it's nvr been too late ;) chill!

  2. Practice makes perfect.
    All the best though. :)

  3. I'm Form 2 this year, started studying for end-term exam when mid-term ended.
    You really have to start studying now.
    Visit back?

  4. munn: sure! But cant memorise all TT
    connie: Thank you! :D
    Jlean: Dropped by urs too
    zhiwei: WOOTS! Just form2? And started study since after mid-term ended!!! impress O.O

  5. work hard! juz sacrifice some of your computer time and u'll can do your revision :)

  6. simonhar: LOL! try to do so :)
    hilda milda: LOL! *highfive* XD
