Monday, March 1, 2010

1 march 2010

i'm really shock what u did just now!
that moment, u r insane
im always talk with him like that
just u dont know!

u thought u have a good temper?
in front of our parents, u always did!
but u r same with me too
is not u! i know u!
last time u did the samething also
im so frustrated with that attitude

we come from the same parents, we have the same attitude
yea, im a people with hot temper, and very persistent too
i just want u all to talk with me with MANNER
not a loud voice, is that hard?
i will reply u with that too

why everything wrong also is me?
yea, im the most lazy 1, most hot temper 1, most obstinate 1, most barbarous 1
yea! i admit it, i didnt say im not!
but i have good temper most of the time at school
know why? they treat me well
and nothing for me to angry with them

yes, im wrong
i talk with parents with loud voice
im not suppose to quarrel with them

i will forget it
cause i want my life to be happy
but i will remember it forever!

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