Sunday, January 24, 2010

say goodbye to my handphone :(
i had lost it again * so sorry
it was the second times already ==
the first time at ktm ( kl sentral ) , the second time at mum's shop

i bought this handphone at last new year
the first handphone that i bought with my gaji!
im mad & sad!

why nowadays so many people choose to be a thieve?
no matter how old are them, maybe a girl, or maybe a boy?
sometimes may be aunty or uncle too!
if u need money or want something
just go work and buy it urself!

u know what is the feeling of being lost something that so important to u?
if u had been stole something from other poeple
im sure u will have the same feeling with me too!

i lost all the pictures (memories), contacts and so on
these are more important for me!
to all my friends:
please dont send or call me start from now
when i get back number i will tell u all